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(1 edit)

One thing this game made me identify within myself is I am really jumpy, every corner I felt there may have been a jumpscare even though I knew going into it there wasnt. But thats just me. I like this form of game and exploration games in general and it was a good thriller. 

Although, I noticed a bug during the early parts of the game. When the ghost shows up at the front door I was able to walk into her, I thought prior to this that something would happen once I start walking towards her. Nope.

Such a beautiful game! Loved the scares and how uncomfortable it made me!

Amazingly well done little game. Great atmosphere built by sound and great graphics! I've got shivers too many times playing this.

I played this for my 31 days of Spoops and it was such a pleasant little horror morsel. Just the perfect amount of atmosphere, time, and really great sound design. Sound design makes or breaks a horror game imo and this one complimented the visuals so well. Just try it yourself!

I went through this a few months ago, as presented by a third-party site, and found that it entirely creeped me out.  This developer has nailed the ominous atmosphere perfectly, while gameplay has just the right amount of ominous atmosphere, while not delivering slash-and-hack or combat elements to the experience, which is my ideal.

Micaka presents an entirely ominous exploration through a seemingly-abandoned home somewhere, while tension only builds along the journey, while the surprises in-game are not jump-scares, while they served to make me provide my own jump-scares. This is unique, as jump-scares are used too commonly with so-called 'Horror' games.

This Game or Demo is a fantastic display of how the genre can be realized, and illustrates how well independent developers are able to realize their creations.

Very well done horror story, very real life 👍

Hello, I just recently played this game (although I would've played this a couple years ago, if I had a faster PC....) and I loved it. Because I have been playing a horror game called Visage, it felt really creepy to be inside another haunted house.

I thoroughly enjoyed this game! Short and sweet. I loved the atmosphere and sound effects! This game scared me without the use of crazy jumpscares! Well done!

very enjoyable game :)

I played this game like a month or two ago I believe, I came back to write a review since it's still in the front page. It was very memorable for me and it was very well done. Nothing felt pressured of artificial in terms of scare. I would highly recommend this short game. I was only bummed out that I had hit the end so quickly, on the other hand.. I think that shows great potential.


Loved this. There were no obnoxious jumpscares. It was all great ambient sound effects inducing nothing but the feelings of dread and fear. Great job devs! Would love to play more of this

This game was great! It definitely had the Resident Evil 7 vibes going on. Loved it! 

Loved this game, would love to see a full version. It was very atmospheric and creepy! Well done guys 

I liked the game very much, the graphics are excellent, I especially liked the moment with the photo next to the phone. Something reminded P.T. I recommend to play it :)

I play in russian. The game starts at 10:47

This game was fantastic. Really creepy and very eerie. Got me good!!! 

Despite being a short experience, something understandable having been created in a period of weeks, it is one with potential.

One that stands out for its good audio-visual values. It has a lot of merit.
Good work.

(4 edits)

a true detailing of old formal aesthetics within
a somewhat posh haunted house and with
flavorful jumpy and short em boding realistic horrors.

I wish we could've seen more of this game :( It was so good but so short and definitely gave me the creeps 

This was a spectacular horror game with incredibly noteworthy qualities such as the environment, atmosphere, and sound, which all coalesced into one terrifying playthrough. Thank you for making this awesome experience and please keep up the amazing work.

Gameplay starts at 11:47. I have to say for how short the game is, it is extremely creepy. I dont have anything to criticize on this game other than it could have been longer but thats not a bad thing, well done!

Scary house with nice graphics

Outstanding game! Very creepy!



This Game looks So Good.

The fear factor is nice and creepy. The graphics are well done.

This game is awesome! It's beautiful and scary as hell. Check it out. 

Almost 3 years ago I played this game, being new to YouTube, but this has always stood out as one of my favorites. The atmosphere that this game has is amazing, without any of the cheap jumpscares. It's short but tense and I'm glad I could revisit it in my anniversary video.

(1 edit)

First off: the game is beautiful. But that's mostly where my praise ends. 

Overall there's so much potential to have a really immersive game but the lack of actual exploration you could do was disappointing. There was almost nothing to read, and unfortunately the fact that everything was crafted so wonderfully meant i spent a large portion of my time trying to figure out what i could actually interact with and coming up very short. 

Also there's no subtitle options, so combined with the fact that there's no reading meant if you're deaf, HOH, or otherwise hearing-impared it's hard to pick up the story. I've got some auditory processing issues and because i couldn't reply any of the audio files without starting over meant i ended the game very... Disappointed. I have very little idea what the story is, and I'm unfortunately not prepared to start the game over again to only risk missing the audio once more. 

Absolutely gorgeous game, and there's so much potential, but it ended up falling flat for me. 




The graphics, sound effects, and general atmosphere of the game was really good. Although some text in the beginning of the game explaining the situation would have made this game better, I do realize that this game was made mostly to present the graphics. Overall this was a really creepy horror game that was fun to play! I made a gameplay video of this game for anyone that's interested in watching. Thank you for your time & have a nice day! :)

I played through the game and actually uploaded my gameplay to my channel. Although I do wish there was a bit more to the game, the atmosphere and sound-design were done quite well. Honestly, I wouldn't object to seeing this expanded upon further. Overall, I enjoyed it, thank you for this!

Good graphics, good ideas, some flaws like a lack of scare jumps or more tension needed. Still, good potential. 

I'll admit this one is a lot better than most horror games. Really enjoyed playing it. 

Great game!! Really got me screaming like a little girl :)

here's the gameplay ;)

Truly was really scary. Even though it was a small project and game, you have taken very little and made it amazing. The graphics and sounds were absolutely great; they made the atmosphere really terrifying even if there was nothing happening. The build ups were great and really well executed. All in all, it was a great game and loved playing every moment of it. 

I  LOVED this. it had incredible atmosphere and build ups! I liked the subtle little things that built up  to the larger scares. (also the VHS movie secret XD) heres my playthrough if you wanna see!

I'm incredibly surprised by this game. I can't realistically understand how you do something as polished as this in such a little time. Would love to see more of this in the future. 

Very nice! 

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